Sunday, June 20, 2010


And the sun high over horizon hidden in cloud bank
            lit saffron the cloud ridge
                                    where memory stands


                                                “break his political
but not economic system”

But on the high cliff

            flowered branch and sleeve moving

                                    and she, called Spring
                        in the timeless air

that they suddenly stand in my room here
between me and the olive tree
            on the slope and at the three-way crossing?
            and answered: the sun in his great periplum
leads in his fleet here
                        under our cliffs
under our craggy cliffs
                        alevel their mast-tops

and the barefoot girl, and she who said: I still have the mould,
and the rain fell all the night long

that troubling wind blew

                        there is wind space and rain space
            no more an altar

from the three-way crossing to the castle
                        the olives grey over grey holding walls
and their leaves turn under Scirocco

            the barefoot girl: I am the moon
            and they have broken my house

the huntress in broken plaster keeps watch no longer

time, time and as to customs

by Babylonian wall

            out of his bas relief, for that line
we recall him
            and who’s dead, and who isn’t
            and will the world ever take up its course again?

very confidentially I ask you: Will it?

                                    dead and buried
not even a wall

                                    no longer



                                    and there are I suppose
no reprints


            seadrift snowin’ ’em under
            every man to his junk-shop
houses shd/have been built in the ’80’s
(or ’60’s) for a’ that
                                    trick sunlight softens London’s November

                                    to know the ground and the dew

            but to keep ‘em three weeks                        centered
                                                            we doubt it

and in government not to lie down on it
                                                                        the  word  is  made

perfect            sincerity

better gift can no man make to a nation
            than the sense of Confucius

            nor in historiography nor in making anthologies

            each one in the name of his god

So that in the synagogue in Gibraltar
            the sense of humour seemed to prevail
            during the preliminary parts of the whatever
but they respected at least the scrolls of the law
                        from it, by it, redemption
            @ $8.50, @ $8.67 buy the field with good money
no unrighteousness in meteyard or in measure (of prices)

and there is no need for the Christians to pretend that
            they wrote Leviticus
            chapter XIX in particular
                        with justice Zion
not by cheating the eye-teeth out of anyone

Why not rebuild it?

Criminals have no intellectual interests?
“Hey, Snag, wot are the books ov the’ bibl’”
“name ’em, etc.
“Latin? I studied latin.”
                        said the nigger murderer to his cage-mate
(cdn’t be sure which of the two was speaking)
“c’mon, small fry,” sd/ the smaller black lad
                                    to the larger.
“Just playin’” before death no prostitution
(that’s progress me yr’ ’ ’ se/call it progress/)

in the timeless air over the sea-cliffs

But to set here the roads of France,

                        the inn low by the river’s edge,
the poplars; to set here the roads of France

                        the quarried stone beyond
                         — as seen against Sergeant Beaucher’s elegant profile —
and the tower on an almost triangular base

“in heaven have I to make?”

            but all the fur and fair women
            and there is also the more northern (not nordic)

                                    to the ship models in Danzig . . .
if they have not destroyed them

is measured by the to whom it happens
            and to what, and if to a work of art
            then to all who have seen and who will not

                                                            the unruly
            Everyone says that fortune doesn’t last

In fact a small rain storm . . .
                                    as it were a mouse, out of cloud’s mountain
recalling the arrival

                        veneration of thunder

                                    memory for the conversation
            (or “go on”) of idiots
was such as even the eminent

            has, if equalled at moments (? sintheticly)
            certainly never surpassed

            All say that good fortune does not last

                                                has lasted at least until our time

                                                has been refurbished

                                                kept up by
                                    artificial respiration

                                                            they got out a
                                    special edition

of caricatures

                                    the altar on the rostrum
20 years of the dream
            and the clouds near to Pisa
                        are as good as any in Italy

                                    to the fountain in Florida

                        the floral fountain

                                    that laid hold of her flanks of air
drawing her to him
no cloud, but the crystal body
                        the tangent formed in the hand’s cup
            as live wind in the beech grove
                                    as strong air amid cypress


                                    and to those without passion
the sphere moving crystal, fluid,
            none therein carrying rancour
Death, insanity/suicide degeneration
that is, just getting stupider as they get older
to suffer more

                                    nothing matters but the quality
of the affection —
in the end — that has carved the trace in the mind
where memory stands

and if theft be the main principle in government
            (every bank of discount

there will be larceny on a minor pattern
a few camions, a stray packet of sugar
                        and the effect of the movies
            the guard did not think that the Führer had started it
Sergeant XL thought that excess population
                                    demanded slaughter at intervals

            Lay in soft grass by the cliff’s edge
with the sea 30 metres below this
                        and at hand’s span, at cubit’s reach moving,
the crystalline, as inverse of water,
                        clear over rock bed

                        and tamed beasts
the gemmed field on the right with fawn, with panther,
            corn flower, thistle and sword flower
            to a half metre grass growth,
lay on the cliff’s edge
                        . . . nor is this yet communion
            nor here souls, nor persons
            neither here in hypostasis

and under her planet

                        the long meadow with poplars

            the mountain and shut garden of pear trees in flower
here rested.

                                    .     .     .     .

“both eyes, (the loss of) and to find someone
            who talked his own dialect. We
            talked of every boy and girl in the valley
            but when he came back from leave
he was sad because he had been able to feel
            all the ribs of his cow . . . . ”
this wind out of Carrara
is soft as a third heaven

as the cat walked the porch rail at Gardone
            the lake flowing away from that side
was still as is never

                                                in the silence

            and the spring of their squeak-doll is broken

                                    and the B.B.C. can lie
            but at least a different bilge will come out of it
                        at least for a little, as is its nature
can continue, that is, to lie.

                                    As a lone ant from a broken ant-hill
from the wreckage of Europe, I, writer.

            The rain has fallen, the wind coming down
            out of the mountain

parts reassembled.
            . . . and within the crystal, went up swift

in colour rose-blue before sunset
and carmine and amber,

are these spirits? people?
                                    tangibility by no means communion
                                    but the crystal can be weighed in the hand
formal and passing within the sphere

                                                no overstroke
                        no dolphin faster in moving
                                    nor the flying azure of the wing’d fish

                        when he comes out into the air, living arrow.
and the clouds over the Pisan meadows
                                    are indubitably as fine as any to be seen
from the peninsula
                        the barbarians have not destroyed them

            Ladder at swing jump as for a descent from the cross
O white-chested martin, God damn it,
                        as no one else will carry a message,
            say to My Dearest: I love.

            Her bed-posts are of sapphire
                        for this stone giveth sleep.

                        and in spite of the barbarians
                        periwinkle and a sort of dwarf morning-glory
                        that knots in the grass, and a sort of buttercup
and complications

Paradise is not artificial
            States of mind are inexplicable to us.
            weeping            weeping            weeping

                                    those who are honest
                                                I pitied the others
probably not enough, and at moments that suited my own convenience.

                        Paradise is not artificial,
                                                            nor is hell.

Came East Wind as comforter
and at sunset the swine shepherdess
            driving the pigs home, fair-haired goddess

                                    under the two-winged cloud
                                    as of less and more than a day
by the soap-smooth stone posts

shd/I chuck the lot into the tide-water?
                        the proofs  “A Lume Spento”/

            shd/I shift to the other side
                                                or wait 24 hours,

                                    free then, therein the difference
                                    in the great ghetto, left standing
with the new bridge of the Era where was the old eyesore

                        and Tullio Romano carved the sirenes
                                    as the old custode says: so that since
            then no one has been able to carve them
                        for the jewel box

                                                            the place of skulls

and in the font to the right as you enter
                        are all the gold domes

Arachne, who bears my good fortune, go spin on that tent rope

                        you who pass by this road:

                                    “this lamp is for the virgin.”
                        “Don’t fight”

                        meaning: don’t work so hard,

Arachne who bears my fortune;
                                                Athene, who wrongs thee?
                                                who wrongs you
That butterfly has gone out thru my smoke hole

“Dawnt let ’em git you” burred the bearded Dottore

            to warn one against Babylonian intrigue
                                    and there have been since then
very high episcopal vagaries

                        well, my window
            looked out on the shipyard

            things have ends and beginnings

and the gilded reliquaries neither then nor up to the present

                                                            the bas relief

                        and the care in contriving

                                    the long hall over the arches

                        “64 countries and down a boilin’ volcano”
                                                says the sargent
ex rum-runner (the rum being red wine)
                        “running whisky” sez he; mountain oysters?

                        papered over with tears
                        polished tears TEARS

                        bricks thought into being out of nothing
                        suave in the cavity of the rock the shell
                                    RAINBOW THRONED, IMMORTAL
                                    that butterfly has gone out thru my smoke hole
IMMORTAL,   cruel. Against buff the rose for the

                                                he painted it
            that a cameo should remain

                        an altar fragment

                                                poor devils
poor devils sent to the slaughter
            slave against slave
            to the sound of the bumm drum, to eat remnants
                        for a usurer’s holiday to change the
price of a currency
            CHANGING ONE CURRENCY . . . .
                                    A NOBLE ISLAND
            woe to them that conquer with armies
                        and whose only right is their power.

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