If all the grief and tears
he is dead
all worth, all good
he is dead
“an’ doan you think he chop an’ change all the time
stubborn az a mule, sah, stubborn as a MULE,
got th’ eastern idea about money”
Thus Senator
“am sure I don’t know what a man like you
would find to do here”
said Senator
Thus the solons, in Washington,
on the executive, and on the country, a.d. 1939
ye spotted lambe
that is both blacke and white
is yeven to us for the eyes’ delight
and now Richardson, Roy Richardson,
says he is different
will I mention his name?
and Demattia is checking out.
White, Fazzio, Bedell, blessed
Sarnone, two Washingtons (dark) J and M
Bassier, Starcher, H. Crowder and
no soldier he although his name is Slaughter
this day October the whateverth
bonds and their
apparently as a basis of issue
and Mr Sinc Lewis has not
and Bartók has left us
We will be about as popular as Mr John Adams
and less widely perused
and the he leopard lay on his back playing with straw
in sheer boredom
(Memoirs of the Roman zoo)
in sheer boredom
Incense to Apollo
snow on the marble
against stone-white
on the mountain
and as who passed the gorges between sheer cliffs
as it might be by,
where one walks into Spain
as it might be at the Peach-blossom Fountain
where are smooth lawns with the clear stream
between them, silver, dividing,
destroyed the whole town
for hiding a woman, fearful Aphrodite
the desert rat said
“when we came out we had
80 thousand dollars’ worth”
(“of experience”)
that was from mining
having spent their capital on equipment
but not cal’lated the time for return
and my old great aunt did likewise
with that too large hotel
but at least she saw damn all Europe
and rode on that mule in Tangiers
and in general had a run for her money
“perhaps more than was in it”
Under white clouds sky of Pisa
out of all this beauty something must come,
O moon my pin-up,
these three men full of humaneness (manhood)
or humanity
and as to gradations
who went out of industrials into Government
when the slump was in the offing
as against whom, prepense, got OUT
in 1938
so as not to be nourished by blood-bath?
when you come to the top of the stairs
usage gradations
These are distinctions in clarity
intelligence these are distinctions
John Adams, the Brothers Adams
there is our norm of spirit
our balance
whereto we may pay our
Saith Micah:
Each in the name of . . .
So that looking at the sputtering tank of nicotine and
stale whiskey
(on its way out)
Kumrad Bear remarked:
I will believe the American.
Berlin 1945
the last appearance of Winston P.M. in that connection
and then I asked the sister
of the little swine shepherdess:
and these Americans?
do they behave well?
and she: hardly.
Hardly, hardly.
and I: worse than Germans?
and she: the same, thru the barbed wire
you can, said Stef (Lincoln Steffens)
do nothing with revolutionaries
until they are at the end of their tether
If the hoar frost grip thy tent
Thou wilt give thanks when night is spent.