Sunday, June 20, 2010


And this day Abner lifted a shovel . . . . .
                        instead of watchin’ it to see if it would
            take action

                                                as we have elsewhere
recorded / he said: beware of their charm
                        But on the other hand

                        society rules
            if not always at any rate it is a level of
some sort whereto things tend to return

                                    in the middle
whether upright or horizontal
            “and having got ’em (advantages, privileges)
there is nothing, italics nothing, they will not do
to retain ’em”
                                    yrs truly    Confucius
Entered the Bros Watson’s store in Clinton N. Y.
                        preceded by a crash, i.e. by a
            huge gripsack or satchel
            which fell and skidded along the 20 foot aisle-way
            and ceased with a rumpus of glassware
                        (unbreakable as it proved)
                        and with the enquiry: WOT IZZA COMIN’?

“I’ll tell you wot izza comin’
                                    Sochy-lism is a comin’
            (a.d. 1904, somewhat previous but effective
for immediate scope
            things have ends (or scopes) and beginnings.                        To
know what precedes                        and what follows
                                    will assist yr/ comprehension of process

As Arcturus passes over my smoke-hole
            the excess electric illumination
            is now focussed
on the bloke who stole a safe he cdn’t open
                        (interlude entitled:  periplum by camion)
            and the demon                        plays hob in the tent flaps
                                                making rain


            Heroes                        !            4 times was the city remade,
now in the heart indestructible
                                    4 gates, the 4 towers
(The Scirocco is jealous)
                                                men rose out of earth

                                                faint as the wraith of my first friend
who comes talking ceramics;
                                    mist glaze over mountain

            “How is it far, if you think of it?”

Came North wind and his chillun’
to brreak the corporal’s heart
                        Bright dawn                        on the sht house
                                    next day
                                                with the shadow of the gibbets attendant

The Pisan clouds are undoubtedly various
                        and splendid as any I have seen since
at Scudder’s Falls on the Schuylkill
            by which stream I seem to recall a feller
settin’ in a rudimentary shack doin’ nawthin’
                        not fishin’, just watchin’ the water,
            a man of about forty-five

            nothing counts save the quality of the affection

            mouth, is the sun that is god’s mouth
or in another connection            (periplum)
            the studio on the Regent’s canal

                                    photo refound years after
                        with the feeling that Mr Eliot may have
missed something, after all, in composing his vignette

(the dance is a medium)
                        “To his native mountain”
            you are a minute soul bearing a corpse

a little flame for a little
conserved in the Imperial ballet, never danced in a theatre

            Padre José had understood something or other
                        before the deluxe car carried him over the precipice
                                                the bird carried one away
learned what the Mass meant,
                        how one shd/ perform it

the dancing

                                                the toys in the

top, whip, and the rest of them.

[I heard it in the s.h.            a suitable place

to hear that the war was over]

the scollop of the sky shut down on its pearl

            with beautiful hair            Ida.

With drawn sword

                        day comes after day

and the liars on the quai at Siracusa
                                                still vie with Odysseus

seven words to a bomb

as long as he climbs Capitol hill
            the rest is explodable
Very potent, can they again put one together
as the two halves of a seal, or a tally stick?

                        the two halves of a seal
            in the Middle Kingdom

Their aims as one
direction of the will, as lord over the heart
                        the two sages united

                                                            he (Confucius)
had not left it in metric
                        “halves of a seal,”

and as to the distributive function
                                                1766 ante Christum
it is recorded, and the state can lend money
as proved at Salamis
            and for notes on monopoly

                                                and credit,

            both for the trust and the mistrust;
            “the earth belongs to the living”
            interest on all it creates out of nothing
the buggering bank has;            pure iniquity
            and to change the value of money, of the unit of
                        CHANGING ONE CURRENCY
            we are not yet out of that chapter
                        Paradise is not artificial
Aphrodite,            Aphrodite,
Moving            under            the earth            enters the hall of the records
            the forms of men rose out of earth
                        Paradise is not artificial
                        nor does the martin against the tempest
fly as in the calm air
“like an arrow, and under bad government
                                                like an arrow”
“Missing the bull’s eye seeks the cause in himself”
“only the total sincerity, the precise definition”
and no sow’s ear from silk purse
                        even in that case . . .

the clouds over Pisa, over the two teats


“He won’t” said Pirandello “fall for Freud,
                        he (Cocteau) is too good a poet.”

and Gaudier’s eye on the telluric mass of Miss Lowell

“the mind of Plato . . .                        or that of Bacon”

                        seeking parallel for his own
“Haff you gno bolidigal basshunts? . . . .

So Miscio sat in the dark lacking the gasometer penny
            but then said:            “Do you speak German?”

            to Asquith, in 1914

                                    face work all the time
                                                            back of that mask”
But Mrs Tinkey never believed he wanted her cat
for mouse-chasing
                                    and not for oriental cuisine

“Jap’nese dance all time overcoat” he remarked
with perfect precision

“Just like Jack Dempsey’s mitts” sang Mr Wilson

            so that you cd/ crack a flea on eider wan
            ov her breasts
sd/ the old Dublin pilot
                                    or the precise definition

            beautiful bosom (in rare rhymes, see above)
            2 mountains with the Arno, I suppose, flowing between them
            so kissed the earth after sleeping on concrete

            beautiful breast            Demeter            copulator
                                                                                    thy furrow

            in limbo no victories, there, are no victories —
that is limbo; between the decks of the slaver
                        10 years, 5 years

Sold the school-house at Gais,
cut down the woods whose leaves served for bedding cattle
                                    so there was a lack of manure . . .

for losing the law of Confucius
                        hence the valise set by the alpino’s statue

                                    and the long lazy float of banners
and similar things occurred in Dalmatia
                                                lacking that treasure of honesty
which is the treasure of states
            and the dog-damn wop is not, save by exception,
honest in administration any more than the briton is truthful

Jactancy, vanity, peculation to the ruin of 20 years’ labour

bells over Petano            . . . are softer than other bells

            till the dog Arlechino makes his round
                        blanket holding the hills’ form in cloudy aurora
            and            Ida,            goddess                                    faces Apollo

                                    was the only one who changed personality
                                    changing her roles

Which fact, it wd/ seem, escaped most, if not all, of the critics

“If you had a f….n’ brain you’d be dangerous”
                                    remarks Romano Ramona
            to a by him designated c.s. in the scabies ward
                        the army vocabulary contains almost 48 words
one verb and participle one substantive            shit
                        one adjective and one phrase sexless that is
used as a sort of pronoun
from a watchman’s club to a vamp or fair lady

And Margherita’s voice was clear as the notes of a clavichord
tending to her rabbit hutch,
                                    O Margaret of the seven griefs
who hast entered the lotus

            “Trade, trade, trade . .”
            and they say the gold her grandmother carried under her
skirts for Jeff Davis
            drowned her when she slipped from the landing boat;

            (O Mercury god of thieves, your caduceus
            is now used by the american army
                                                as witness this packing case)

Born with Buddha’s eye south of Mason and Dixon
as against:
                        They don’t exist, their surroundings grant them
                                    an existence . . . and in the case of

                                                            “do not argue”
                                    in the 3rd sphere do not argue

above which, the lotus, white nenuphar
Mercy, the mythologies

we who have passed over Lethe

                        there are in fact several coarse expressions used in the

                                                indubitably, an idea, about anno

domini 1910 but I do not know what he has done with it
                        for I wd/ steal no man’s reason

preached vers libre with Isaiaic fury

            fished for sound in the Seine
                                    and led to dectors
“an animal” he said “which seeks to conceal the
                        sound of its foot-steps”

“A priest in disguise” sd/ Cocteau

                        “Seems to me a priest in disguise” At the door
“I don’t know, Monsieur, seems to me a priest in disguise.

“Thought” said M. Cocteau             “that I was among men of letters
and then perceived a group of mechanics and garage assistants.”

                                                “they will never have him

in the Académie Goncourt”

                                    “30,000, they thought they were clever,
why, Hell / they cd/ have had it for 6000 dollars,
and after Landon they picked Wendell Wilkie

                        I am not king, don’t stoop to prince
Citizen of Florence, cd/ not receive noble titles
                                    but carry the arms to this day
who resisted

                                                when the fools wd/ have burnt down
Florence “with great scorn”            “men used to obeying orders”
                        “there was also the King who signed those decrees”
                                    if I fall, I don’t fall to my knees”

   niggers comin’ over the obstacle fence
                                                as in the insets

                        to scale, 10,000 gibbet-iform posts supporting
                                                barbed wire
“St. Louis Till” as Green called him. Latin  !
            “I studied latin” said perhaps his smaller companion.
“Hey Snag, what’s in the bibl’?
                                    what are the books of the bibl’?
Name ’em! don’t bullshit me!”
                        “Hobo Williams, the queen of them all”
“Hey / Crawford, come over here /”

                                                fleeing to Rome from Sabine lands
“Sligo in heaven” murmured uncle William
                        when the mist finally settled down

                                                sample menus from the leading hotels

                                    tinkered with lights

Mist covers the breasts

                                                            and drifts up the Arno
came night and with night the tempest
                                    “How is it far, if you think of it?”


                        “they are inactive. They think, but then there is
climate, they think but it is warm or there are flies or
some insects”

“And with the return of the gold standard

“every peasant had to pay twice as much grain
                        to cover his taxes and interest”

It is true that the interest is now legally lower
but the banks lend to the money lender
who can thus lend more to his victims
and the snot press and periodical tosh does not notice this

                                    by hypostasis
if they can take Hancock’s wharf they can take your cow
                                                                        or my barn
and the Kohinoor and the rajah’s emerald etc.

and Tom wore a tin disc, a circular can-lid
                                    with his name on it solely:
for the-one-who-names has lost his mouth,

                        For nowt so much as a just peace
That wd/ obstruct future wars
as witness the bombardment at Frascati after the armistice
                                    had been signed

who live by debt and war profiteering
                                                the banking business
                                                            “. . . . of the Wabash cannon ball”
in flat Ferrarese country seemed the same as here

men move to scale            as in


                                                under the Ram and Bull

in the house-boats bargaining half a day for ten bob’s worth
                                                of turquoise

mind come to full when nothing more will go into it

the wind mad as Cassandra
                        who was as sane as the lot of ’em

Sister, my sister,
                                    who danced on a golden coin

                                    bringest to focus



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